Posts Tagged ‘Robin Williams’

What makes a comedian funny? Is it their jokes that makes us laugh, maybe it’s the faces they make or maybe it’s the funny voices that makes us laugh? Actually its none of those things… It’s all about the delivery! The timing, the tone of voice chosen and of course the situation. For example, if I made a joke about African American people I would get my throat slashed! It’s as simple as that! As a Caucasian male it would be viewed as racist and it wouldn’t be right at all. On the other hand, Chris Rock can use the “N” word and make jokes about the African American stereotypes because he is African American! Let’s take Robin Williams for example, if you grew up in the 90’s he was Genie from Aladin. Genie was a clean cut humor with no swearing involved, his current stand-up style is littered with inappropriate uses of the four lettered word that starts with F. F**K this and F**K that! I’m no stand-up veteran or expert but some of his jokes lost their humor the minute he swore. It just felt out of place! The latest thing I have been watching is a bit immature, but incredibly funny! It’s this guy on youtube called Cr1tikal (CRITICAL), who plays games and does his own commentary for them as he plays them. It’s immature in the sense that he is constantly talking about nipples (boobs), butts (ass cheeks), and everything else that could be viewed as offensive! His language is definitely on the mature side so don’t watch it around children if your using your speakers… Anyways here is one of his best videos yet. Watch it through and keep an open mind, you’ll be laughing incredibly hard as well!

Enjoy and see you all on the flip side!

Your blogfriend,
