Archive for June, 2013

I am changing once again…

Posted: June 16, 2013 in Uncategorized

Wow obviously I am not doing a good job and posting as often as I should but for those still following me…thank you. Anyways I have made quite a leap forwards since my last few posts… going through meltdowns and all sorts of stuff, but amazingly I have pulled through and have made quite a lot of progress on becoming the best man I can be. I have a job, I have friends here in town and I even am adventurous enough to do things on my own. I see the bright side of this world around me and have opened up more to these people around me.  I guess if I learned  anything from my breakup is that no matter how hard you fall you must get up again and keep walking forward with your head held high. And that’s a lesson I won’t soon forget.

Posted: June 16, 2013 in Uncategorized
