Posts Tagged ‘ACIII’

If you are a major gamer like me, then you already know this month is probably the most anticipated month in video games in a very long time. This month two video game heavy weights are being released…Assassin’s Creed III hit stores on October 30th and Halo 4 hits stores midnight tonight (as in November 5th 2012). I told myself i wouldn’t play favorites but what ever, i doubt you would care if i did…SO HERE IT GOES…Favorite time…Assassin’s Creed III is by far the must buy of the month…Not even gonna mention Call of Duty Blackops 2…The reason is simple Assassin’s Creed III makes easy victims of its rivals on many fronts including gameplay, visual appeal, multiplayer and story. Yes I know i haven’t played any of these games yet but still, there is no denying the fact that the game’s story is solid from start to finish because you know it’s guaranteed to be solid due to the success of its predecessors. Each game of the series is carefully embedded with history that, whether you like it or not, you end up learning and actually remembering. Good Job Ubisoft…your educating the world on the rich american history by embedding some of your own creative stories into it as well. Halo 4 teaches us what exactly ? That when Microsoft says the series is done, it isn’t ?  Or maybe it’s that no matter what you do, you cant truly bring an end to the war going on in this world ? Anyways, Halo 4 isn’t a bad game at all and I do look forward to playing it too,  but when it comes to which game i will be buying if i could only choose one, would easily, hands down go to Assassin’s Creed III. It’s not a game being released because Ubisoft fears it’s competition, it’s a game being released because Ubisoft plans to continue the series and will continue to do so for years to come.

Let’s address that Black Ops 2, it looks like a fun game but only for like the first couple of hours and then you really have to torture yourself to just finish the game to be done with it. It has neat features like the wingsuit and the jet pack but honestly it still doesn’t look like a game that can satisfy my military tactical shooter cravings. Ghost Recon Future Soldier did a fantastic job on doing that and for that it’s an easy must buy/try when you can find it. But as for Black Ops 2, it doesn’t look different from its predecessor, other than the new features, and that’s what bothers me. If I’m gonna buy a game that is part of a series, I’m looking for improvements to give me a reason to buy the game other than the fact it’s the next game of the series. Look at NHL 13, it is a perfect example of that fact. It has a whole new skating engine, it’s graphics got an overhaul, it had many features that would have been synced with the current NHL season but there is no season to sync to. But still the game has enough improvements to make me decide to buy it. So instead of being the push over consumer I know you all are, demand more from your video game developers and show them you wont just buy the game cause it’s new. Your buying it cause its the best game between other options and that their game really deserves the 60$ you pay to buy it. I hope this post has given you an incite on gamer consumerism and hopefully because of it you will be a more informed buyer, instead of the “this looks good” buyer you probably are.